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Weight Loss

Asha Thomas, MD -  - Internist

Westbrook Wellness Internal Medicine

Asha Thomas, MD

Internist located in Westchester, IL

More than 70% of American adults are overweight, and more than half of them are considered obese. Being overweight or obese can cause significant health problems, but making the changes needed to lose weight can be challenging. At Westbrook Wellness Internal Medicine in Westchester, Illinois, Dr. Asha Thomas can help you lose weight with customized plans and medication. Call or schedule a consultation online today if you’re ready to make positive changes to your life.

Weight Loss Q & A

Why is it so hard to lose weight?

In principle, losing weight should be simple — use more calories than you burn on a consistent basis. Approximately you need to have a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound; that works out to about 500 calories a day to lose a pound a week. So why is it so hard to lose weight?

Many factors that contribute to your weight loss success includes knowing how many calories your body needs and what you’re consuming. Most people severely underestimate what they eat. Also, there are plenty of medical conditions and hormone issues that can make it challenging to lose weight.

How can a doctor help me lose weight?

When you work with a doctor like Dr. Thomas to help you lose weight, you immediately have a compassionate and supportive medical professional in your corner. She offers practical advice and helps you stay accountable to your commitment to becoming more healthy.

Dr. Thomas runs tests and blood work to determine if a health issue is getting in the way of your progress. She also has a comprehensive knowledge of nutrition and can help you create a meal plan that provides everything your body needs, within a calorie budget, that keeps you satisfied. She can also prescribe medications like phentermine to help control your cravings and reach your goals.

What should I expect from medically assisted weight loss?

Dr. Thomas begins your weight loss program with a comprehensive consultation where she checks your weight, measurements, body composition, blood pressure, and runs a variety of blood tests to check for signs of medical conditions that interfere with weight loss like diabetes, thyroid disorders, and hormone imbalances.

She counsels you about your lifestyle and your goals to develop a deep understanding of your needs. Then, she works with you to create a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle and caters to your tastes. You’ll set small goals that will grow incrementally, eventually helping you reach your goal weight.

You have regular appointments with Dr. Thomas to check your progress. Together, you review your goals and set new ones to keep you motivated and on track as you make small changes for a sustainable, healthier lifestyle.

Call or schedule an appointment online today to start your weight loss journey.